Project Background

Sapphire Coast Tourism wishes to produce a Heritage Tourism Strategy that will:

• Deliver heritage tourism in the Sapphire Coast;

• Leverage the Australia’s Coastal Wilderness (ACW) National Landscape’s recognition as a world class

attraction; and

• Further develop the region’s rich historic and cultural heritage and coastal wilderness and scenery.

Targetting the international 'Experience Seeker' who are planning to travel to Australia's Coastal Wilderness,

Sapphire Coast Tourism (SCT) have identified the opportunity to provide this market with a range of heritage

experiences. With the knowledge that Experience Seekers value learning and engaging experiences of local

cultures, the Sapphire Coast is seen as an ideal destination. SCT believes that, within the ACW National Landscapes core experiences there are a further suite of outstanding attractions in the region that will be of particular interest this market, including natural, historic and cultural heritage experiences.

The Working Group welcomes contributions from anyone interested in the development of this strategy

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